Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Whats an alternative to sugar?

I'm a bit of a sweet tooth and I have been using sweeteners off and on in my tea and coffee since I was in college.  
Aspartame (E 951) If you Google Aspartame or NutraSweet, pages of horror stories and side effects crop up on the subject.

Although I am a cook and I always think about what I consume, I cant believe I failed to think about sweeteners, it took a food allergy test to say "its not agreeing with me".  Who knows what damage it has done to me so far...Oops.

Some of us want to cut down on sugar for dietary reasons, and some of us don't have an option such as people with Yeast Intolerance, so here are some alternatives I've found.. Feel free to add yours.

Xylitol its a natural sugar in the form or crystals found in vegetables and fruit, its even safe for diabetics, its kind to your teeth, it helps bone density, it has 70% less available carbohydrates than sugar, as its absorbed into the blood slower.  Oh and you can use it in baking!  I've tried it and will keep on using it.  
(Find this product in your local Heath store)

Carob Syrup its a natural food product which is good for the the whole digestive system.  They are roasted and ground pods form the Carob tree found in the Mediterranean.  You can use it for sweetening hot drinks, on cereals and in deserts. You can find Carob bars as a substitute for chocolate.  I've tried it and I will keep using it.  (Find the product in Turkish/Greek/Med shops)


  1. Susanne AicheleFriday, June 25, 2010

    Stevia is another alternative, it's not a sugar crystal but a pulverized leaf of the sunflower species Stevia rebaudiana which has 300 times the sweetness of sugar but 0 calories. It's potency makes finding the right dose a bit tricky at first and it has a slight flavour that you might or might not like, bt it's worth trying. You can order it over the internet or get it in health food shops.

  2. Susanne AicheleFriday, June 25, 2010

    Stevia is another alternative, it's not a sugar crystal but a pulverized leaf of the sunflower species Stevia rebaudiana which has 300 times the sweetness of sugar but 0 calories. It's potency makes finding the right dose a bit tricky at first and it has a slight flavour that you might or might not like, bt it's worth trying. You can order it over the internet or get it in health food shops.

  3. Wow thanks Susanne, will have to try it out! you sure its legal? No calories, that's a crime! Can you bake with it? cos imagine the cakes you could make without sugar!

  4. The natural sugars in most of our fruits is the way to go if able.
